"Aluta continua victoria acerta" in her effort to show for it that they are actually and really working for the survival of livestock industry and undoubtedly human race, Mirth Agricultural Services Nigeria Limited went into poultry business in 1991 November, with some few numbers of bird which as at the time of this report, the farm is already having a consid¬erable number of layers, growers, pullets, cockerels and broilers. This considerable number had made the com¬pany to have hundreds of yellow yoked eggs for sales at her numerous branches all over the country, more prominently at the two (2) eggs depot offices in Lagos.

Lagos Area Office/Egg Depot: Mirth Agric House, 283, Lagos-Abeokuta Exp. Way, Opp. Oke Odo Sawmill, Iyana Ipaja, Agege, Lagos.
Tel: +234-803427-5051, 807-059-0007, 807-939-2567.